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I vostri commenti sui numeri di telefono

Non sai a chi corrisponde un numero? Cerca il commento di un utente che ha avuto la tua stessa esperienza per esempio con i recupero crediti commerciali o call center

Messaggio del: 2018-02-06 16:53:28

Abuse 91375833
Son vodafon.ono,llaman engañosamente diciendo que son se jazztel,al descubrirlos me insultaron y amenazaron de muerte.denuncio a la policia
Messaggio del: 2018-02-06 16:59:16

Abuse 00279010350
Ce numéro viens d'Afrique du sud c'est presque du harcèlement
Messaggio del: 2018-02-06 17:12:55

Abuse 914497543
este numero me esta llamando insistetemente y no se de quien es alguien me puede ayudar.
Messaggio del: 2018-02-06 19:15:26

Abuse 01151737448
Me llamaron por un premio?
Messaggio del: 2018-02-06 21:27:38

Abuse 01563822524
call lasted 2 rings, not able get to the ph one in time, i do not dial back unknown numbers, can you help me
Messaggio del: 2018-02-06 21:33:19

Abuse 01563822511
2 rings not ling enough get to phone, i do not dial back unknown numbers, as the f'n scammers are even able to phone you from overseas and a local exchange number comes up on caller display, not long ago i get a call with 01563 in front and the w....r was in india, when is all this shit going to be stopped, this government does not care about the "little people"...they will find out how much they are NOT valued at the next election
Messaggio del: 2018-02-06 21:43:55

Abuse 01131020360
de quem e este numero
Messaggio del: 2018-02-06 21:55:24

Abuse 01914128152
an automated service said press 1 to stop £600 from being taken from your bank account. The bank wasn't interested in this fraudulent number
Messaggio del: 2018-02-06 22:25:26

Abuse 003228886031
Rodrigo Bresolin
Messaggio del: 2018-02-06 22:27:34

Abuse 096731100
Me están molestando de este teléfono y no atienden si llamas