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Non sai a chi corrisponde un numero? Cerca il commento di un utente che ha avuto la tua stessa esperienza per esempio con i recupero crediti commerciali o call center

Messaggio del: 2019-12-04 12:47:25

A rude person called Mike with a heavy Indian accent called me 7 times in succession from a local number. He said that I had set up a direct debit 2 years ago and it would be renewed for £2999.99 automatically and if I dont want to renew he wanted my bank details and wanted me to access my laptop. I have been duped before. His attitude allerted me . He was rude to the extent of shouting at me for hanging up on him earlier.
Messaggio del: 2019-12-09 12:01:20

We had a similar experience with a woman calling herself Ashley Wilson with a heavy Indian accent. Part of a series of nucience calls we've been getting from people claiming we signed up for internet security and owe them money. Threatening to take £2000 from the bank account. Good job we changed the account!