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Messaggio del: 2018-03-23 14:23:25

Caller claimed to be from a company working alongside TPS, said they could block all international nuisance calls that TPS was unable to do, offering a lifetime service, they had my name,address, phone number and just needed my bank card expiry date to verify who I was?? As I argued they wouldn't need that to verify who I was they had enough details already, they were very persistent and got very irritated when I refused but eventually after questioning where they were based as well as being fully aware it was a scam the whole time, I hung up
Messaggio del: 2018-03-23 14:13:49

Persistent call - referred to TPS stating details provided so they provide live long assistance to stop/block international nuisance calls, wanted bank card expiry date to verify who I was, even thought they had my name,address and phone number, what a joke these scammers are!!